Luca Maroni
Web Developer & Consultant - I like Open Source Technologies - Working hard to become a Pragmatic Programmer and a Clean Coder.



WordPress developments: installation, configuration, developments of custom themes or plugins to match your own needs

PHP programming: I worked on several custom solutions using frameworks like CakePHP or Laravel

Develop responsive interface using Bootstrap and jQuery

Implement or Redesign a DB Schema

Management & Services

Project Management or Team Leading

Analysis of projects requirements

Feasibility study, technical proposal, planning and quotation of your project

Need to understand better SEO and/or Social Networks and how they are important for your project? Let's talk about it


level: Basic, Working, Good, Excellent.
when: Currently, Recently (in the latest 2 years), Not at a recent time (more than 2 years ago)


Web Consultant as Back-End Developer for Esprimo
Back-End Developer
Back-End Developer
Project Manager for Reggiani S.p.a.
Back-End Developer
Analyst & Developer for Reggiani S.p.a
Back-End Developer


I am a freelance web developer working in Varese (close to Milan, North of Italy)

I work for small and large companies, associations and individual. I can collaborate with you either remotely as freelance or as a consultant to work with your team in your headquarters.

I have more than 10 years of experience developing websites and web portal and now I'm working and studying hard to be a REAL professional that can help you meet your objectives in the most efficient way.

I like Open Source technologies and see the web bringing innovation and useful services to people.

I really like developing website and web portal bringing my experience and learning always something new. I NEED to be a TEAM Player in each project I do, engaged to reach your/our goals.

Do not hesitate to contact me to discuss my services, availability, and rates.

Contact Me

You can contact me via phone, email, skype or social networks. Just choose the preferred one and get in touch with me